Parish Newsletter: Sept 2024

We are excited to share the latest Parish Newsletter! In this edition you will read about the progress with Woodside, the exciting Picnic financials, and much more. Click HERE to read all of the exciting news of our parish.

Summer Picnic July 13, 2-10PM

Don’t forget to get your Capital Prize Tickets. Tickets can be purchased online via Faithdirect until 8pm on picnic day:, or in person at the Capital prize booth at Picnic until 10pm

There will be no daily Mass or confessions on Saturday morning. Vigil Mass will be at 4pm in the Church.

Chicken dinner starts at 4pm and lasts until the food is gone.

Any questions can be directed to the Parish Office.

Latest Parish Newsletter

We hope you enjoy the latest edition of the Parish Newsletter.  In this issue you can read about recent projects around campus, summer events, and much more.  Click HERE to View the Newsletter .

Summer Picnic 2024

Summer Picnic will be here before we know it.  We need everyone’s help to make it a success! See the flyer below for details!

Received a Suspicious Email? Now What?

Parishioners have been receiving emails that say they are from Fr, John and other members of the staff, but turn out to be spam.  We know that this is quite a nuisance for our parishioners and we are doing everything we can.  We have a few things you can do when you receive one of these forged emails.  
First, if you receive any suspicious looking emails from Fr. John or a St. Aloysius staff member, look at the sender’s email address. 

All emails associated with our parish end in 

If the email ends in anything else it is a fictitious email.  Do not click on any of the links found within the email.

Second, you should block the email sender and mark the message as spam.  These are options that are most likely in a drop down menu on your email.  You can also forward the message to our IT Manager, Steve Nally, After you have done that you can delete the original email. 

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we strive to find a solution to the this ongoing problem.

The Easter Triduum: Make Holy Week a Retreat

The summit of the Liturgical Year is the Easter Triduum—from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday. Though chronologically three days, in the eyes of the Church the tridium is seen as one day unfolding for us the unity of Christ’s Paschal Mystery (Christ’s life, death, and resurrection).

The single celebration of the Triduum marks the end of the Lenten season, and leads to the Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord at the

Easter Vigil.

Newsletter January 2024

We are excited to share the first Parish Newsletter for 2024.  Inside this issue you will read about ways our community serves others, upcoming events, and ways to grow in your faith this Lent (which is a month away already).

Click here in order to read the latest issue.

Parish Picnic Proceeds and Capital Prize Winner

The Parish Picnic financials are completed, and we are excited to share the net total with our community. The 2023 Picnic brought in a profit of almost $70,000! We are fairly certain this a record for our parish. All of this is possible only with the help of our awesome volunteers, especially the Picnic Committee. Thank you Cyndi Kolb, Amie Kemper, Stephen Sauerbeck, Pat Murta, Greg Hillner, Gina McDonald, Amanda Curtsinger and Tim McGinty for your time and dedication.

Join the Parish Staff in congratulating the 2023 Picnic Capital Prize Winner!
Congrats to the Smallwood family (Kent, Melody, and Brooklyn).
They chose to take the car, a 2023 Buick Encore, GX.
Thank you for supporting our parish by purchasing a Capital Prize ticket.

Parish Newsletter September 2023

We are excited to share the latest Parish Newsletter. In this issue you can learn about staff changes, Youth Ministry Activities, and much more. We are particularly excited to share the Picnic 2023 Financials! Click HERE to read more.

Generous Together: Increased Giving Initiative

Together, St. Aloysius makes growth in generosity a primary goal in spiritual formation!
Beginning in June St. Aloysius is starting a new initiative to excel giving.

Two sub goals:
1) ALL In – Together, 100% involvement by all 1661 St. Aloysius families
2) Every family makes a prayerful decision to grow in the grace of giving.

Dates of Importance:
Kickoff Sat/Sun June 3 & 4 Additional info. will be communicated
Weekend 2 Sat/Sun June 10 & 11 Parishioner Testimonials
Weekend 3 Sat/Sun June 17 & 18 Pledge/ Commitment Weekend

Please complete the enclosed card after prayer.
at the Masses on June 17 & 18th, the congregation will bring our Pledges/gifts to the altar.
(If you can’t join us that weekend, please return your pledge card to the parish office by 6/20

To Access a copy of the pledge card you can click HERE or come by the Parish Office!