Our Time & Talent
Each of us has been blessed with a unique combination of time, talent and financial blessings. Our parishioners share these gifts in a loving and just manner and repay God for all that He has done for us. In our own ways and through the specific ministries below, we respond to God’s call to service:
To read the latest information about our parish, check out the latest minutes from the Parish Pastoral Council Meeting.
Names and email information for committees are listed on the contact page.
Administration Committee
This committee provides for the financial and managerial needs of the church and school, including preparation of the parish budget, financial statements and more. Subgroups include:
- Collection Counting Team
- Facilities Committee
- Picnic
- Technology Committee
Formation Committee
The mission of Formation at St. Aloysius is to bring all members of our community to a greater awareness of Jesus Christ and His work. This committee is composed of those who coordinate our parish groups for particular audiences, assuring that all parishioners are given age-appropriate Christian formation.
Meetings are held monthly and are open. In order to speak, please submit a request to the chairperson prior to the meeting.
- Sacramental Preparation
- Children’s Faith
- Youth Group
- PREP – Parish Religious Education Program
- Adult Faith Formation
- Bible Study Opportunities
Service Committee
This committee provides childcare and refreshments for certain church events (RCIA, Parish Mission, etc). and serves to coordinate the work of these subgroups:
- Athletic Director/Coaches
- Bereavement
- Boy Scouts
- Cub Scouts
- Girl Scouts
- Giving Tree
- Knights of Columbus
- Men’s Club
- Prayer Line
- Parent Teacher Organization
- Quilting
- Rosary Making
- Care Team
- Health Ministry
- St. Vincent De Paul Society
Social Concerns Committee
This committee provides education on Catholic Social teachings, ways to live out our faith by generously reaching out to those in need and advocating for a fair and just society. Subgroups include:
- Peace & Justice
- Respect Life Committee
- Voter Registration and Legislative Education
Stewardship Coordinating Committee
This committee assists the pastor and parish leadership in creating an environment that encourages parishioners to be disciples.
The committee is comprised of “at-large” members and includes the following subgroups:
- Stewardship Committee
- Fundraising
- Light Clerical Assistants
- Welcoming Committee
Worship Committee
The worship committee provides training, resources and scheduling for all ministries that enhance the parish liturgy.
The Worship Committee meets monthly, and includes the following subgroups:
- Altar Servers (Adult and Youth)
- Art and Environment
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Gift Bearers
- Liturgy Planning Team
- Marriage Ministry
- Ministers of Holy Communion
- Ministers of Hospitality/Greeters
- Ministers of Music
- Parish Choir
- Psalmist/Cantor
- Instrumental Ensemble
- Ministers of the Sick
- Ministers of the Word/Lectors
- Sacristans
- Ushers

212 Mt. Mercy Drive
Pewee Valley, KY 40056
- Daily Mass
- Mon–Sat: 8:15am
- Weekly Mass
- Sat: 5pm
- Sun: 8am, 11am,
- Reconciliation
- Sat: 9-10am (Church)
- Adoration
- Tues: 8:45am-7pm
- Sun: 3-9pm
Parish Office
- Mon-Thurs: 8am to 4pm
- Fri: 8am-3pm
- Sat/Sun: Closed