Parish Religious Education Program
Our Parish Religious Education Program is offered for students in grades one through eight who do not attend Catholic school. PREP gives these children the opportunity to develop their faith through teachings, scripture, study of church tradition, and worship and prayer.
Families must be active & supportive members of St. Aloysius Church participating in our stewardship process, or members of one of the region seven parishes to participate in PREP.
The Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) meets in the school building on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:45. The first class is Sept. 12. We intend to meet in-person this year unless circumstances cause us to change our plans. The fee is $100 per child for textbooks, materials and supplies. Registration is due August 15.
View a full calendar of this year’s dates and activities.
Contact Shannon Knabel, Coordinator of Children’s Ministries, at 241-8452 ext. 1037 or