Entries by Mandy Kumler

Parish Newsletter February 2023

We are excited to share with you our latest Parish Newsletter. In this issue learn more about how our parish will celebrate Lent and Holy Week, read a tribute to Father Jack Caldwell, and much more! Click HERE to check it out!

Parish Newsletter November 2022

Hello!  We are excited to share the latest installment of the Parish Newsletter.  In this edition you can meet our new staff member, find out the Christmas Mass Schedule, learn about ways to give this holiday season, and much more!  Visit https://bit.ly/nlnov22 to check it out!

August 2022 Parish Newsletter

We are eager to share the latest parish newsletter with our parish community.  Inside this edition you will find the financials for the end of the fiscal year, back to school news, and highlighting some of the amazing things we have done this summer.  To read the August newsletter, follow the link! https://bit.ly/nws822

Supporting Eastern Kentucky

We are beyond grateful for the generous donations that we have already received for our brother’s and sisters in Eastern Kentucky.   We continue to get many questions about how we can help.  Below you can see how you can donate items that will be delivered, followed with how you can contribute financially.  There will […]

Our New Parish Mission Statement

Father John has been working with the Strategic Planning committee to create a 5 year plan for our parish. And part of their work has been creating a new mission statement for St. Aloysius. We are excited to share it with you and hope that it draws us all into action for our faith community. […]

Parish Newsletter Feb. 2022

We are excited to share the latest parish newsletter.  Inside you will find information about Lent and school registration for 2022-23 school year…among many other exciting things happening at our parish.  To view the newsletter visit, https://bit.ly/febnew22